
Sunday, March 3, 2019

no time for gym, home workout


no time for gym, home workout

Now days everyone is so busy in their work that they do not have time to go to gym. But doing workout is very important to live healthy lifestyle. It is said that health is wealth if you don’t have good health than everything you have is equals to nothing.  To live a healthy lifestyle workout is very important for both men and women.


Workout makes you look more young and attractive, it slows the aging process. Doing workout also decreases the stress level which is becoming a serious problem in every person now days. Workout increases your strength and keeps you in shape. A fit and healthy person looks more attractive which gives you a self-confidence to stand anywhere.

 But as you are busy because you have a job of 8 am-6 pm and many other works that you don’t get time to go gym but want to get in shape then do not get disappointed because we are here to help you. We will teach you some exercises that you can do by staying at home for 30-45 minutes. these exercises will help you to burn your fat and gain some muscles Home workout without any gym equipment.

Best home exercises

So, these are some exercises which you can do at home without any equipment easily:

fitness at home

   1.  PUSH UPS

Push ups are the best chest exercise which you can do easily at home without any equipment. They are best exercise to build your strength and give you a perfect chest as well as whole body muscles. Push-ups not only work on our chest muscles they also work on muscles of shoulder, triceps, abdominal and some muscles of back.

There are so many types of muscles which you can do without any equipment but you should start with a standard push-up.

Types of push-ups:
·         Standard push-ups
·         Wide push-ups
·         Narrow push-ups
·         Decline push-ups


Yes, diamond push ups are also the part of push-ups but they are different than a standard push-up. Because in a standard push-up the main effect is on chest then triceps but in a diamond push-ups the focus is on triceps first then the muscles of chest and other parts.

Diamond push-ups are more difficult than other push-ups -because all your body weight you have to lift from your triceps muscles and the triceps muscles are small and weak as compared to the chest muscles.

So, this the best exercise to build your triceps muscles and you can do this exercise at home without any equipment.


Pull-up the best exercise which is recommended by everyone to build your back. Pull-ups are the toughest body weight exercise. This exercise work on muscles of back, shoulder and arms.

In starting doing pulls is very difficult task because it requires a lot of strength to pull your body weight but as you start doing it regularly then your body become habituate of it.

This is the best exercise of back which you should include in your home workout.


The plank is one of the best exercise to build your core muscles. It also helps to build strength as well. This exercise can be done without any equipment. In this exercise, you just have to get in the position of push-ups and then you have to hold your body in the same position for some time.

The minimum time of doing a plank is 60 seconds.


Side planks is same type of plank exercise but the difference is that side planks more works on the muscles of oblique abdominal muscles. most of the people don’t focus on this exercise but this is the best exercise which helps you to build the core muscles.


Squat is the most common exercise to which works on the muscles of leg. Doing squats give strength to your lower body. Doing squats also increases the testosterone level in men.
While doing squats, the position should be perfect otherwise it can harm your back and neck.

Body-weight squats are the best lower body exercise which you can do at home without any equipment.


Calves raises is the exercise which helps you to build the calves muscles of leg. The calf muscle helps to you perform more squats and strong calf muscle also helps you in running and many other physical tasks. It increases your whole-body strength as well.

So, you should also include this exercise in your home workout.


Many peoples hate doing chin-ups because they are very difficult body weight exercise.

This exercise majorly works on the muscles of forearms and biceps, as well as on the muscles of back and shoulder. In this exercise, you have to lift your body-weight this is the amazing exercise to build your strength.

Most of the peoples get confused between chin-ups and pull ups. They assume that both the exercises are same but they are completely wrong both are different exercise which works on different muscles.


  Doing crunches helps you to reduce your stomach fat and give you a ripped body with the perfect abs. this is the best exercise to build your whole body strength.


Bench dips is a compound exercise which you can do with your body weight. This exercise mainly works on the triceps muscles as well as muscles of chest and shoulder.

You can do this exercise at home, you just need a bench or chair to perform this exercise.

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